Upon the discovery of human remains in the centre of the Oceanic continent, archaeologists unearthed seven rusted Universal Serial Bus data storage devices (3.24” x 0.94” x 2.31”). These Canopic Flash Drives were forged during the Early Informatic Age (2001-2100 CE).
It is not known who or what conceived the Data Souls. Some philologists believe they were composed by an individual. Others claim they were compiled over time. Others still argue they were not written by humans, but generated by the omnipotent deity T&llm#th.
In either case, there is no doubt the Informatic Age populations revered data. To us in the Post-New Common Era, their practices seem outlandish. As individuals, they devoted significant time honouring personal devices, collating geographical, civil, and financial information. Spiritual and social life, they affirmed, could be graphed and tabulated, predicted and determined: represented as data.